- Programming in circlizePlus is summarized into 5 addition rules, which are simple and clear.
- Like ggplot2, it makes programming circular visualizations in the form of addition of plotting functions.
- In ggplot2, the data parameter of the function that draws geometric figures can be missing, and it will use the data parameter value in the ggplot() function. circlizePlus implements similar functionality. In circlizePlus, the function that draws geometric figures can get the default coordinate data (such as x, y) from the track it belongs to.
- Like ggplot2, it supports data mapping. The coordinate parameters are mapped to the default values by passing in an anonymous function of the form “function(x,y){…}”.
It is recommended that you have the latest version of the R environment installed. You need to install devtools and load it into the R environment, and then you can install circlizePlus from Github.
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly=TRUE))
Every time you reboot the R environment, you need to load circlizePlus again.
We are grateful to Dr. Zuguang Gu from DFKZ for his invaluable guidance and support throughout the project.
Sample code
Dr. Gu has written a book(“Circular Visualization in R”) explaining how circlize works. To illustrate the similarities and differences between circlize and cirzelizePlus, we’ve rewritten the code in the book as sample code. Visit circlizePlusBook for details.
Addition rules
ccPlot(contain n ccPars)+ccPar=ccPlot(contain n+1 ccPars),n≥0
ccPlot(contain n ccTracks)+ccTrack=ccPlot(contain n+1 ccTracks),n≥0
ccPlot(contain n ccLinks)+ccLink=ccPlot(contain n+1 ccLinks),n≥0
ccTrak(contain n ccTrakGeoms)+ccTrackGeom=ccTrack(contain n+1 ccTrackGeoms),n≥0
ccTrack(contain n ccCells)+ccCell=ccTrack(contain n+1 ccCells),n≥0
ccCell(contain n ccCellGeoms)+ccCellGeom=ccCell(contain n+1 ccCellGeoms),n≥0
S4 class ccCell and ccCells
- ccCell: Generate a cell container that belongs to a particular sector.
- ccCells: A list of multiple
. AnyccCellGeom
are added together as if they were added to eachccCell
contained in theccCells
API outline
- Class: ccPlot-class
- Function: ccPlot()
- Class: ccPar-class
- Function: ccPar()
Cell container
- Class: ccCell-class, ccCells-class
- Function: ccCell(), ccCells()
Cell geometry
- Class: ccCellGeom-class, ccGenomicCellGeom-class
- Function: ccText(), ccPoints(), ccLines(), ccSegments(), ccRect(), ccPolygon(), ccXaxis(), ccYaxis(), ccBarplot(), ccBoxplot(), ccViolin(), ccArrow(), ccRaster(), ccDendrogram(), ccGenomicPoints(), ccGenomicLines(), ccGenomicRect(), ccGenomicText(), ccGenomicAxis()
Track geometry
- Class: ccTrackGeom-class
- Function: ccTrackLines(), ccTrackPoints(), ccTrackText()
- Class: ccLink-class, ccHeatmapLink-class, ccGenomicLink-class
- Function: ccLink(), ccHeatmapLink(), ccGenomicLink()
- Class: ccHeatmap-class
- Function: ccHeatmap()
Data mapping from track to cell geometry
ccTrack Constructor | ccGenomicTrack() | ccGenomicTrack() | ccGenomicTrack() | ccGenomicTrack() | ccTrack() | ccTrack() | ccTrack() | ccTrack() | ccTrack() | ccTrack() |
Parameters in ccTrack Constructor | data | data | data | data | x, y | x, y | x, y | x, y | x, y | x, y |
ccCellGeom Constructor | ccGenomicPoints() | ccGenomicLines() | ccGenomicRect() | ccGenomicText() | ccLines() | ccPoints() | ccPolygon() | ccText() | ccRect() | ccSegments() |
Parameters in ccCellGeom Constructor | region, value | region, value | region, value | region, value | x, y | x, y | x, y | x, y | xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop | x0, y0, x1, y1 |
A combination of each column in the table above:
Get track from ccGenomicTrack()
and value
in ccGenomicCellGeom constructor can be NULL
or function like function(region,value){...}
. The above data can be obtained from the data
parameter of ccGenomicTrack
In the following example code, the region
and value
in the ccGenomicLines
constructor are NULL
. Their real data comes from the data
value of the corresponding sector in ccGenomicTrack
. The region
and value
in the ccGenomicPoints
constructor are function
. Their real data is calculated based on the definition of the function.
data = generateRandomBed(nr =30, nc = 2)
all_chr = c("chr1","chr2","chr3","chr4","chr5","chr6","chr7","chr8","chr9","chr10","chr11","chr12","chr13","chr14","chr15","chr16","chr17","chr18","chr19","chr20","chr21","chr22","chrX","chrY")
cc = ccPlot(initMode = "initializeWithIdeogram", plotType=NULL)
t1 = ccGenomicTrack(data=data, numeric.column = 4,
cells1 = ccCells(sector.indexes = all_chr) + ccGenomicLines(numeric.column=2) + ccGenomicPoints(region=\(region,value){region}, value=\(region,value){value}, numeric.column=2)
t1 = t1 + cells1
Get track from ccTrack()
, x0
, x1
, xleft
, xright
, y
, y0
, y1
, ytop
, ybottom
in ccCellGeom constructor can be NULL
or function like function(x,y){...}
. The above data can be obtained from the x
and y
parameter of ccTrack
In the following example code, the x
and y
in the first ccPoints
constructor are NULL
. Their real data comes from the x
and y
of the corresponding sector in ccTrack
. The y
in the second ccPoints
constructor are function
. Their real data is calculated based on the definition of the function.
sectors = c('a','a','a','a','b','b','b','b','c','c','c','c','d','d','d','d')
x1 = c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)
y1 = c(1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2)
cc = ccPlot(initMode = "initialize", sectors = sectors, x = x1)
cells = ccCells(sector.indexes = letters[1:4])
cc_point = ccPoints()
cells = cells + cc_point + ccLines()
track1 = ccTrack(sectors = sectors, x=x1, y = y1,panel.fun = function(x,y){
cell_single = ccCell(sector.index = letters[3]) + ccPoints(y=\(x,y){x-y})
track1 = track1 + cells + cell_single
show(cc + track1)