Initialize with genomic data

circlize is quite flexible to initialize the circular plot not only by chromosomes, but also by any type of general genomic categories.

Initialize with cytoband data

Basic usage

text(0, 0, "default", cex = 1)
Initialize genomic plot, default.

Initialize genomic plot, default.

cytoband.file = system.file(package = "circlize", "extdata", "cytoBand.txt")
cc = ccPlot(initMode='initializeWithIdeogram', cytoband  = cytoband.file)

cytoband.df = read.table(cytoband.file, colClasses = c("character", "numeric",
    "numeric", "character", "character"), sep = "\t")
cc = ccPlot(initMode='initializeWithIdeogram', cytoband  = cytoband.df)
cc = ccPlot(initMode='initializeWithIdeogram', chromosome.index = paste0("chr", c(3,5,2,8)))
text(0, 0, "subset of chromosomes", cex = 1)
Initialize genomic plot, subset chromosomes.

Initialize genomic plot, subset chromosomes.


Pre-defined tracks

cc = ccPlot(initMode='initializeWithIdeogram', plotType = c("axis", "labels"))
text(0, 0, "plotType = c('axis', 'labels')", cex = 1)

cc = ccPlot(initMode='initializeWithIdeogram', plotType = NULL)
text(0, 0, "plotType = NULL", cex = 1)
Initialize genomic plot, control tracks.

Initialize genomic plot, control tracks.


Other general settings

par1 = ccPar("" = 90)
cc = ccPlot(initMode='initializeWithIdeogram')
cc + par1
text(0, 0, "'' = 90", cex = 1)

par1 = ccPar("" = rep(c(2, 4), 12))
cc = ccPlot(initMode='initializeWithIdeogram')
cc + par1
text(0, 0, "'' = rep(c(2, 4), 12)", cex = 1)
Initialize genomic plot, control layout.

Initialize genomic plot, control layout.

Customize chromosome track

cc = ccPlot(initMode='initializeWithIdeogram', plotType = NULL)
t1 = ccTrack(ylim = c(0, 1), = function(x, y) {
    chr = CELL_META$sector.index
    xlim = CELL_META$xlim
    ylim = CELL_META$ylim
    circos.rect(xlim[1], 0, xlim[2], 1, col = rand_color(1))
    circos.text(mean(xlim), mean(ylim), chr, cex = 0.7, col = "white",
        facing = "inside", niceFacing = TRUE)
}, track.height = 0.15, bg.border = NA)
cc + t1
Customize chromosome track.

Customize chromosome track.


Initialize with general genomic category

tp_family = readRDS(system.file(package = "circlize", "extdata", "tp_family_df.rds"))
cc = ccPlot(initMode = 'initializeWithIdeogram', cytoband = tp_family)
t1 = ccTrack(ylim = c(0, 1), 
    bg.col = c("#FF000040", "#00FF0040", "#0000FF40"), 
    bg.border = NA, track.height = 0.05)
n = max(tapply(tp_family$transcript, tp_family$gene, function(x) length(unique(x))))
t2 = ccGenomicTrack(data = tp_family, ylim = c(0.5, n + 0.5), = function(region, value, ...) {
        all_tx = unique(value$transcript)
        for(i in seq_along(all_tx)) {
            l = value$transcript == all_tx[i]
            # for each transcript
            current_tx_start = min(region[l, 1])
            current_tx_end = max(region[l, 2])
            circos.lines(c(current_tx_start, current_tx_end), 
                c(n - i + 1, n - i + 1), col = "#CCCCCC")
            circos.genomicRect(region[l, , drop = FALSE], ytop = n - i + 1 + 0.4, 
                ybottom = n - i + 1 - 0.4, col = "orange", border = NA)
}, bg.border = NA, track.height = 0.4)
cc + t1 + t2
Circular representation of alternative transcripts for genes.

Circular representation of alternative transcripts for genes.

Zooming chromosomes

extend_chromosomes = function(bed, chromosome, prefix = "zoom_") {
    zoom_bed = bed[bed[[1]] %in% chromosome, , drop = FALSE]
    zoom_bed[[1]] = paste0(prefix, zoom_bed[[1]])
    rbind(bed, zoom_bed)
cytoband = read.cytoband()
cytoband_df = cytoband$df
chromosome = cytoband$chromosome

xrange = c(cytoband$chr.len, cytoband$chr.len[c("chr1", "chr2")])
normal_chr_index = 1:24
zoomed_chr_index = 25:26

# normalize in normal chromsomes and zoomed chromosomes separately
sector.width = c(xrange[normal_chr_index] / sum(xrange[normal_chr_index]), 
                 xrange[zoomed_chr_index] / sum(xrange[zoomed_chr_index])) 
par1 = ccPar( = 90)
cc = ccPlot(initMode = 'initializeWithIdeogram', cytoband = extend_chromosomes(cytoband_df, c("chr1", "chr2")), 
    sector.width = sector.width)
bed = generateRandomBed(500)
t1 = ccGenomicTrack(extend_chromosomes(bed, c("chr1", "chr2")), = function(region, value, ...) {
        circos.genomicPoints(region, value, pch = 16, cex = 0.3)
cc + par1 + t1"chr1","cell.xlim", sector.index = "chr1"),
    "zoom_chr1","cell.xlim", sector.index = "zoom_chr1"),
    col = "#00000020", border = NA)

Zoom chromosomes.

Zoom chromosomes.

Concatenating two genomes

human_cytoband = read.cytoband(species = "hg19")$df
mouse_cytoband = read.cytoband(species = "mm10")$df
human_cytoband[ ,1] = paste0("human_", human_cytoband[, 1])
mouse_cytoband[ ,1] = paste0("mouse_", mouse_cytoband[, 1])
cytoband = rbind(human_cytoband, mouse_cytoband)
chromosome.index = c(paste0("human_chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y")), 
                     rev(paste0("mouse_chr", c(1:19, "X", "Y"))))
ccPlot(initMode = "initializeWithIdeogram", cytoband = cytoband, chromosome.index = chromosome.index)
Default style of two combined genomes.

Default style of two combined genomes.

par1 = ccPar(gap.after = c(rep(1, 23), 5, rep(1, 20), 5))
cc = ccPlot(initMode = "initializeWithIdeogram", cytoband = cytoband, plotType = NULL, 
    chromosome.index = chromosome.index)
t1 = ccTrack(ylim = c(0, 1), = function(x, y) {
    circos.text(CELL_META$xcenter, CELL_META$ylim[2] + mm_y(2), 
        gsub(".*chr", "", CELL_META$sector.index), cex = 0.6, niceFacing = TRUE)
}, track.height = mm_h(1), cell.padding = c(0, 0, 0, 0), bg.border = NA)
t2 = ccGenomicIdeogram(cytoband)
cc + par1 + t1 + t2
highlight.chromosome(paste0("human_chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y")), 
    col = "red", track.index = 1)
highlight.chromosome(paste0("mouse_chr", c(1:19, "X", "Y")), 
    col = "blue", track.index = 1)
Improved visualization of the combined genome.

(\#fig:genomic-combined-improved)Improved visualization of the combined genome.

human_chromInfo = read.chromInfo(species = "hg19")$df
mouse_chromInfo = read.chromInfo(species = "mm10")$df
human_chromInfo[ ,1] = paste0("human_", human_chromInfo[, 1])
mouse_chromInfo[ ,1] = paste0("mouse_", mouse_chromInfo[, 1])
chromInfo = rbind(human_chromInfo, mouse_chromInfo)
# note the levels of the factor controls the chromosome orders in the plot
chromInfo[, 1] = factor(chromInfo[ ,1], levels = chromosome.index)
par1 = ccPar(gap.after = c(rep(1, 23), 5, rep(1, 20), 5))
cc = ccPlot(initMode = "genomicInitialize", data = chromInfo, plotType = NULL)
t1 = ccTrack(ylim = c(0, 1), = function(x, y) {
    circos.text(CELL_META$xcenter, CELL_META$ylim[2] + mm_y(2), 
        gsub(".*chr", "", CELL_META$sector.index), cex = 0.6, niceFacing = TRUE)
}, track.height = mm_h(1), cell.padding = c(0, 0, 0, 0), bg.border = NA)
t2 = ccTrack(ylim = c(0, 1))
cc + par1 + t1 + t2
highlight.chromosome(paste0("human_chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y")), 
    col = "red", track.index = 1)
highlight.chromosome(paste0("mouse_chr", c(1:19, "X", "Y")), 
    col = "blue", track.index = 1)
Initialize the plot with chromosome ranges.

Initialize the plot with chromosome ranges.

par1 = ccPar(gap.after = c(rep(1, 23), 5, rep(1, 20), 5))
cc = ccPlot(initMode = "genomicInitialize", data = chromInfo, plotType = NULL)
t1 = ccTrack(ylim = c(0, 1), = function(x, y) {
    circos.text(CELL_META$xcenter, CELL_META$ylim[2] + mm_y(2), 
        gsub(".*chr", "", CELL_META$sector.index), cex = 0.6, niceFacing = TRUE)
}, track.height = mm_h(1), cell.padding = c(0, 0, 0, 0), bg.border = NA)
t2 = ccGenomicIdeogram(cytoband = cytoband)
highlight.chromosome(paste0("human_chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y")), 
    col = "red", track.index = 1)
highlight.chromosome(paste0("mouse_chr", c(1:19, "X", "Y")), 
    col = "blue", track.index = 1)

# a track of points
human_df = generateRandomBed(200, species = "hg19")
mouse_df = generateRandomBed(200, species = "mm10")
human_df[ ,1] = paste0("human_", human_df[, 1])
mouse_df[ ,1] = paste0("mouse_", mouse_df[, 1])
df = rbind(human_df, mouse_df)
t3 = ccGenomicTrack(df, = function(region, value, ...) {
    circos.genomicPoints(region, value, col = rand_color(1), cex = 0.5, ...)

# links between human and mouse genomes
human_mid = data.frame(
    chr = paste0("human_chr", 1:19),
    mid = round((human_chromInfo[1:19, 2] + human_chromInfo[1:19, 3])/2)
mouse_mid = data.frame(
    chr = paste0("mouse_chr", 1:19),
    mid = round((mouse_chromInfo[1:19, 2] + mouse_chromInfo[1:19, 3])/2)
l1 = ccGenomicLink(human_mid, mouse_mid, col = rand_color(19))
cc + par1 + t1 + t2 + t3 + l1
text(-0.9, -0.8, "Human\ngenome")
text(0.9, 0.8, "Mouse\ngenome")
The combined genome with more tracks.

The combined genome with more tracks.