
    pgs_id: str = None,
    pgp_id: str = None,
    pmid: int = None,
    trait_id: str = None,
    cached: bool = True,
    mode: str = "Fat",
) -> Score

Get Score data from the server.

  • pgs_id (str, default: None ) –

    Polygenic Score ID

  • pgp_id (str, default: None ) –

    PGS Catalog Publication ID (PGP)

  • pmid (int, default: None ) –

    PubMed ID (without the prefix "PMID:")

  • trait_id (str, default: None ) –

    Ontology ID (e.g. from EFO, HP or MONDO) with the format "EFO_XXXX"

  • cached (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether or not to try to get data from the cache.

  • mode (str, default: 'Fat' ) –

    Fat or Thin. Specifies the mode of the returned object.

  • Score

    A Score object. Attributes of type DataFrame have hierarchical dependencies.

from pandaspgs.get_score import get_scores

ch = get_scores(pgs_id='PGS000001')