Object ccCellGeom will call the function circlize::circos.yaxis while drawing.
- side
add the y-axis on the left or right of the cell
- at
If it is numeric vector, it identifies the positions of the ticks. It can exceed
value and the exceeding part would be trimmed automatically.- labels
labels of the ticks. The exceeding part would be trimmed automatically. The value can also be logical (either an atomic value or a vector) which represents which labels to show.
- tick
Whether to draw ticks.
- labels.font
font style for the axis labels
- labels.cex
font size for the axis labels
- labels.niceFacing
Should facing of axis labels be human-easy
- tick.length
length of the tick
- lwd
line width for ticks
- col
color for the axes
- labels.col
color for the labels
Object ccCellGeom
cc <- ccPlot(sectors = letters[1:8], xlim = c(0, 1))
track <- ccTrack(ylim = c(0, 10))
cell <- ccCell(sector.index = "a") + ccYaxis(side = "left")
#> Warning: `convert_unit_in_data_coordinate()` only works when aspect of the
#> coordinate is 1.
#> Error in ccYaxis(side = "left"): object 'sector.index' not found
track <- track + cell
#> Error: object 'cell' not found
cc + track